A Crazy Idea!

A Crazy Idea!

I quite like being in the EU. Yes, it has its flaws, and plenty of them, but things like human rights laws, free trade and free movement are no bad thing really. In fact a lot of my business comes as a result of being able to easily trade with other EU member states and the ability to move around the community freely.

A little while ago I came across the world record for the number of countries visited in 24 hours using only scheduled/public transport and I thought to myself, “I want to have a go at that!”.

So with the EU referendum coming up, it seems the perfect time to see how much of Europe I can see. In a day. The current world record set in 1993 is 11 countries in 24 hours and I’m planning to beat that by visiting 12.

My route starts in France at 7am (ish) on 25th May and finishes 24 hours and 12 countries later in Austria.

It’s a bit of a crazy idea, but should be a great experience and if I can make it work, I’ll be a world record holder!

I don’t intend to make a big thing of it, but I have setup a Just Giving page in aid of the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, Sands. If I can raise a few pounds for them during the course of this little adventure, I’m sure they will be very grateful.

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